
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Daniele Mariani

Europass class Vitae Personal tuition First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Daniele MARIANI Via Augusto Sindici, 5 00155 Roma +39 062288549 emailprotected it Italian 20 SETTEMBRE 1985 Mobile +39 3426467377 Work experience Dates employment or position held reach and address of employer Type of business or sector 2005 leaflets Gruppo Interclub Via Plinio 44 ROMA SRL Education and fosterageDates Title of qualification awarded nous subjects/occupational skills covered December 2009 February 26, 2013 Degree in electronic design (Vote 99/110) Course of study lasting two years, with in-depth professional training in specific fields Electronics applied science with specialization in Optoelectronics, with primary(prenominal) subjects Electronics for Photovoltaics, Optoelectronics, Nano-electronics, Organic Organic Electronics, Electronic high-frequency electronics space , electronic devices and sensors Title of the thesis (field of nanoelectronics) Electron-phonon interaction in nanoelectronic devices Supervisor prof.Alessandro Pecchia Should you wish to check my references, please contact the following people Prof. Alessandro Pecchia University of Rome Tor Vergata Email emailprotected uniroma2. it University of Rome Tor Vergata Course in Electronic Engineering Degree Level 2 Name and fount of composition providing education and training Level in national or multinational classification Dates Title of qualification awardedOctober 2004 November 26, 2009 Degree in Electronic Engineering (Vote 89/110) Page 1/2 Curriculum vitae of MARIANI Daniele For more(prenominal) information on Europass go to http//europass. cedefop. europa. eu European Communities, 2003 20060628 Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Three year course in Electronic Engineering. dissertation title Verification and validation of a control system of railroad vehicles nosing Supervisor prof. Giuseppe Fazio.Supervisor Ing. Danil o Longo. Collaboration with the company RFI (Italian Railway Network SpA) for the provision of information for the development of the thesis University of Rome Tor Vergata Course in Electronic Engineering Degree Level 1 September 1999 July 2004 Scientific maturity (Vote 92/100) High School Diploma Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, English, Computer During the instill years I have represented my school at the Olympics in MathematicsName and type of organisation providing education and training Level in national or international classification Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing ITIS Giovanni Giorgi High School for Science and Technology capital of Italy education and training During secondary school characterized, compared to traditional high school science, lack of education Latin replaced by computer. Other language(s) Mother tongue Self-assessment European train (*) Italian UnderstandingListening A2 Elementary level B1 Reading liaise Speaking Spoken interaction Spoken production A2 Elementary level A2 Elementary level B1 Writing Intermediate English (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Social skills and competences Ability to work in a team gained during my college career the relationship with other graduates has always been of profound complaisance and full co-operation with maximum availability and to give than to receive explanations, in a perspective of teamwork. From my thesis supervisor was profound for my work.Good ability to communicate effectively, by formulating judgments independently, contributing innovative design may Full cooperation in the direction of activities and projects, according to the deadlines and targets. The main goal is customer satisfaction. WORD, POWER POINT, EXCEL (MICROSOFT seat SUITE). Software PARAVIEW, TIBERCAD (for the simulation of modern nanotechnology and optoelectronics) and basics of MATL AB (in the context of the thesis) Browser IE, FIREFOX, plate Programming languages C + + (basics) FORTRAN 95 (basics) Programs for data manipulation and plotting graphs XMGRACE, VEUSZOrganisational skills and competences Technical skills ,Computer skills and competences operate licence License category B secondary schools Additional information During the degree course, in his spare time I have disposed(p) tuition in mathematics for students of I authorize the processing of in-person data pursuant to Legislative lgs. 196/03 Page 2/2 Curriculum vitae of MARIANI Daniele For more information on Europass go to http//europass. cedefop. europa. eu European Communities, 2003 20060628

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